Who We Are
Our diverse team is passion-driven to help, and to elevate. We’re inspired by your team, your business, and your customers. We apply that inspiration to delivering the right solutions, products, and services to help you run better than ever. We start every day by asking how we can have an even greater impact: safer, cleaner, more efficient, better designed, more sustainable and inclusive. Our sensibilities and principles are rooted in always seeking to do better for you, for our partners, and for our planet.
We’re with you, for a better workday.
Cintas by the Numbers
More Than1 MILLIONcustomers in the U.S. and Canada
12distribution centers
more than$9.6Bin revenue
MORE THAN$324.2Mspent annually with certified diverse suppliers
Commitment to Water Stewardship91%of withdrawn water back to municipalities
11,700+routes distributing products and services
more than$1.57Bin net income
What We Stand For
Our founding during the Great Depression sparked a drive that’s built on resourcefulness, innovation, and collaboration. We’re firmly grounded in our values and propelled by our mission. We hold fast to a deep-seated understanding that our commitment to our communities means mutual success for all.
How We Started
Ready for the Workday® becomes the new corporate tagline in conjunction with the launch of our first national radio and TV advertising campaign. Cintas acquires ZEE Medical and establishes a partnership with Chef Works®.