
While you focus on creating the best gaming experience for your customer, we’re there to help you manage the critical details that make a clean, safe and exceptional environment — from retail-inspired apparel that solidifies that important first impression, to well-stocked restrooms complete with sleek designer accessories, to sparkling guest service areas that welcome all with features like fresh, custom-logo mats. We can also help you stay prepared by testing and inspecting your fire equipment, replenishing your first aid and safety products and much more. From the front lobby to the casino floor, specialized and innovative solutions from Cintas save you time and money with the simplicity of a consolidated service partner.
First Aid & Safety
Protect your guests, your employees and your property with leading safety and compliance solutions. Cintas helps you stay prepared for minor cuts and scrapes as well as medical emergencies with an array of carefully selected first aid and safety products. You choose the products your facility needs to create your custom program, and we manage your inventory efficiently.
First Aid
Stay prepared for the unexpected with convenient, reliable first aid supplies.
Safety & Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment offered by Cintas provides head-to-toe options that help keep your employees safe, healthy and feeling...
Training Courses
Bring effective first aid and safety training courses directly to your team, onsite or online.
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Prepare for the unexpected with AEDs and onsite service from Cintas.
World-Class Eyewash Service
Self-contained and plumbed eyewash stations deliver ease of use and are designed to fit your needs in the case of an eye emergency.
WaterBreak® Water Cooler
Make hydration a priority in your workplace and help your employees tackle the workday.
Fire Protection
Fire protection works quietly in the background, behind the daily efforts you and your team put into keeping your facility clean, safe and prepared. You count on these monitoring and defense systems to be primed for the response you’ll need should a fire emergency occur.
From floor to ceiling, lounges to gaming floor, kitchens to restrooms, we’re dedicated to helping you strengthen your fire protection systems, with skilled maintenance, inspection and services you need for peace of mind.
Thorough and regular inspection of your fire extinguishers by a trained technician helps ensure they will be ready for moments when...
Highly trained technicians from Cintas provide testing, inspection, maintenance and any needed repair of your system, so you can...
With hands-on training from Cintas, your staff learns common fire hazards, safe evacuation routes and how to use a fire...
Advance your fire alarm monitoring and rest easy with an innovative solution that keeps a watchful eye on your business 24/7 and, in...
Regular testing and inspection of your exit and emergency lights can help detect dead batteries and bulbs before an emergency...
In an industry with many codes and regulations, fire protection can feel overwhelming. The Value Inspection Program from Cintas...