Fire Suppression Systems

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Fire suppression systems are designed to limit damage and control the spread of a fire before it can move to other areas of the facility. They are usually found in high-hazard areas where the sprinkler system would either be inadequate or impractical, and deploy a non-conductive clean agent in areas with sensitive equipment. Hazard type, square footage and system discharge speed are often considerations in determining the applicable suppression system.
Consult with your area’s Fire Marshall or Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to determine what is needed for your facility. Regular test, inspection and maintenance of special hazard suppression systems can help you stay prepared in the event of a fire emergency.
Consistent Fire Suppression System Service
Helps you stay compliant.
Insurance coverage eligibility.
Helping you keep your equipment ready.
Promotes safety.
Special Hazard Suppression Systems
Cintas specializes in
Emergency service*
We're on call to diagnose and repair system problems — so you can be confident you'll have service when you need it.
Semi-annual inspections*
Depending on your system, a Cintas technician will examine your entire system including detectors, gas containers, releasing panels, manual pull stations, abort and auxiliary functions.
* Service may vary depending on service locations.