Fire Extinguisher Service

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Fire extinguishers may be your first line of defense in making sure a small fire doesn’t grow into a major emergency at your facility. With our Extinguisher Even Exchange service, we’ll provide a tested, functional unit right away with no interruption in service.

Cintas can help educate you on the classifications of fires, best practices for servicing extinguishers and the type of extinguishers available can help you keep your people and property prepared and protected for a fire emergency.



Portable Fire Extinguishers

Protection from fire starts with making sure your fire extinguishers are ready to go. We'll help you confirm that your facility's fire extinguishers are properly tested and inspected. Helping you stay compliant with current fire codes.

Fire Extinguisher Training

Did you know 74% of adults don't know how to operate a fire extinguisher? Having your employees trained to properly use a fire extinguisher is important. In fact, giving you confidence to react quickly during an emergency is a big part of our passion for protecting you and your business. Through hands-on training with fire simulations in a safe learning environment, our professional instructors will educate your staff on common fire equipment, common hazards, safe evacuation routes, and more.