Keeping your Portable Extinguishers Compliant: Internal Servicing Process
Many fire service providers perform this service on a customer’s site, which can be messy, interrupt the customer’s operations, and decrease the quality and consistency of service. At Cintas, we replace our customers’ extinguishers that are due for testing with units that have already had the appropriate testing performed in one of our Regional Processing Centers. The noncompliant units are then shipped to the nearest Processing Center for servicing.
Once at the Processing Center, the extinguishers are grouped by type, size and manufacturer, and then they are cleaned and prepared for servicing. The chemical agent is blown out, the appropriate scheduled maintenance is performed, and then the extinguishers are refilled and checked for leaks.
Our internal servicing process reduces the risk of defective extinguishers significantly by minimizing the number of persons handling each extinguisher and performing multiple quality audits along the way.
After the appropriate service has been performed, the extinguishers are cleaned and inspected one last time. They are then ready to protect a Cintas customer facility like yours.
As always, should one of your extinguishers leak after being serviced in one of our processing centers, we will correct the problem for free- it’s all part of our Value Inspection Program guarantee.
- On-site assessment to discuss fire protection solutions for your business*
- Customized service dates that fit your busy schedule*
- Routine testing, inspection and maintenance of your fire protection equipment*
*Certain services may not be available in all markets