Cintas is committed to conducting business in a fair and ethical manner. Cintas’ Social Responsibility Mission is to strengthen our commitments to our partners, suppliers, and our customer’s communities through our dedication to Diversity Equity and Inclusion, safety and health and social responsibility. Consistent with this Mission, Cintas has established this Code of Conduct as a minimum set of standards for Cintas suppliers. Cintas’ Code is based on internationally accepted labor standards, including the International Labor Organization’s Core Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. While this Code establishes minimum standards, Cintas aspires to partner with companies that share Cintas’ corporate values and are committed to continuous improvements as it relates to social and environmental practices.
As used herein, the term supplier is defined broadly to cover a range of Cintas’ supply chain partners. Suppliers to Cintas are expected to extend these standards to all their suppliers and to initiate practices to assure that these standards are adopted throughout the global supply network supporting Cintas. The consequences of non-compliance with the standards outlined in Cintas’ Code of Conduct may include, but are not limited to, cancellation of existing orders or loss of all future business with Cintas.
Code of Conduct
- Employment Relationship – Cintas suppliers will adopt and adhere to the rules and conditions of employment that respect workers and, at a minimum, safeguard their rights under national and international labor and social security laws and regulations.
- Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations – Cintas suppliers will comply with laws and regulations in all locations where they conduct business including those relating to labor, social insurances/security, worker health and safety, and the environment. It is further expected that suppliers will cooperate fully with Cintas in its compliance with laws applicable to Cintas in countries where Cintas does business. Where local law or standards differ or conflict, the highest standard shall apply.
- Prohibition of Forced Labor – Cintas suppliers will not use involuntary, prison or trafficked labor or labor otherwise obtained by force, fraud, or coercion -- indentured, bonded or otherwise. Supplier must maintain evidence that all workers have been recruited voluntarily and their employment is free of any forced labor indicators, including with respect to any government-labor schemes.
- Prohibition of Child Labor – Cintas suppliers will not hire any employees under the age of 15, or under the age interfering with compulsory schooling, or under the minimum age established by law, whichever is greater. Supplier must maintain official and verifiable age documentation for each worker.
- Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse – Cintas suppliers will endeavor to establish workplaces where every employee is treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subjected to any physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment, abuse, corporal punishment, or monetary fines.
- Prohibition of Discrimination – Cintas suppliers will employ, pay, promote, and terminate based on their ability to do the job, rather than based on personal characteristics or beliefs. No person shall be subject to any discrimination in employment, including hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination, or retirement, based on gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social group, or ethnic origin.
- Right to Organize and Workplace Freedom – Cintas believes that employees should have the right to decide whether they want collective bargaining or not, and that companies and unions should respect employees’ decisions. Cintas believes employees should have the right to say yes and the freedom to say no to union representation and collective bargaining.
- Compensation and Benefits – Cintas suppliers will pay at least the minimum total compensation required by local law, including all mandated wages, allowances, and benefits, as well as required pay for overtime and holiday work. Supplier must maintain adequate and verifiable payroll documentation and each employee must be provided with a clear, written accounting for each pay period.
- Hours of Work – Cintas suppliers will conform to hours worked each day, and days worked each week, that do not exceed the legal limitations of the countries in which they operate. At a minimum, Suppliers will provide at least one day (24 hours) off in every seven-day period, except as required to meet urgent business needs. Suppliers are encouraged to control total weekly hours to 60 or less for all employees. All overtime hours must be worked voluntarily.
- Health and Safety – Cintas suppliers must ensure that their employees are provided with a safe and healthy work environment, including any housing and cafeteria requirements, and are not subject to hazardous or unsanitary conditions.
- Environmental – Cintas suppliers will comply with environmental rules, regulations, and standards applicable to their operations, and will adopt responsible measures to mitigate negative impacts that the workplace has on the environment. This includes hazardous waste disposal, waste management practices, air emissions, water treatment, and other significant environmental risks.
- Procurement Ethics – Cintas’ business relationship with its suppliers is based solely on the supplier’s merits in the way of prices, excellent quality, prompt delivery, and efficient services. Therefore, no payments, gifts, rewards, or gratuities of any kind shall be made directly or indirectly to Cintas employees or Cintas’ buying agent or staff members in consideration of the business being placed with supplier.
- Bribery and Corruption – Cintas suppliers will not, in connection with any aspect of their business with Cintas, directly or indirectly give or offer any bribe, kickback or other improper payment or benefit to influence another individual, company, organization, government official or body, or political party or candidate, regardless of whether it is officially tolerated or condoned as outlined in Cintas’ Anticorruption Policy.
- Subcontracting – Cintas suppliers will ensure their subcontractors operate in a manner consistent with this Code of Conduct.
- Source of Cotton Fiber – Due to ongoing concerns of forced labor and child labor in growing and harvesting cotton, Cintas will not knowingly use cotton or cotton-based products sourced from specific regions, including the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China.
- Conflict Minerals – Suppliers shall source minerals, derivatives of minerals, and other raw materials in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and rules promulgated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission relative to “Conflict Minerals” (currently columbite-tantalite (coltan), cassiterite, gold, wolframite, or their derivatives, which are limited to tantalum, tin, and tungsten). Suppliers are required, from time to time: (i) to certify that all materials and products supplied to Cintas do not contain Conflict Minerals; or (ii) if materials and products supplied to Cintas do contain Conflict Minerals, to cooperate with Cintas to conduct appropriate due diligence, including determining the country of origin and the source (including the applicable smelter) and chain of custody of those Conflict Minerals.
- Sustainability – Cintas is committed to creating meaningful benefits for society as it manages and grows its business and Cintas is focused on aligning with suppliers who share this vision and are dedicated to making sustainability a key part of how they work. Cintas expects its suppliers to demonstrate a high level of commitment to sustainability in their business practices. Cintas’ sustainability strategy and programs are detailed at At a minimum, Supplier is expected to have a commitment to reducing its environmental impact and support ongoing opportunities such as: measured and reduced energy use and GHG emissions; increased recycled content; reduced transport distances; whole life cost considerations; reduced water consumption; and waste reduction. Cintas reserves the right to request and receive data that may be used to calculate source reduction, recycled content, certification, and the carbon footprint of its Sellers.
- Global Trade and Security – Cintas suppliers must conduct international trade in compliance with all applicable customs, trade and import/export laws and regulations that govern the movement of goods across international borders. This includes ensuring that all product markings and documentation are true and accurate and that appropriate records are retained. Suppliers must maintain adequate supply chain security processes and procedures in alignment with the principles of the U.S. Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Program (C-TPAT).
- Facility Security – Cintas suppliers will maintain facility security procedures to guard against the introduction of non-manifested cargo into outbound shipments (e.g., drugs, explosives, biohazards, and/or other contraband). Suppliers are further expected to cooperate with Cintas in meeting C-TPAT and other supply chain security requirements established by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, or other governmental security requirements as requested.
- Right to Audit – Cintas reserves the right to visit any facility where Cintas product or inputs to Cintas products is produced or handled at any time. These visits may be conducted by Cintas employees or by third-party auditors retained by Cintas. Visits may be announced, semi-announced or unannounced. Any denied access to a facility, workers at the facility, or to information needed to conduct the assessment will be considered a Zero Tolerance violation.
- Visibility of Cintas Code of Conduct – A copy of Cintas’ Code of Conduct must be posted in strategic locations at the supplier’s place of business so that each member of the supplier’s organization has access to the information (i.e., lobby, near time clocks, bulletin board, etc.). Suppliers are responsible for translating this Code into the native languages of all workers. If the supplier has a different Code of Conduct posted that is substantially the same as Cintas’, then the supplier is not required to post the Cintas Code of Conduct. The alternate Code of Conduct must include all relevant sections from Cintas’ Code, such as the prohibition on the use of forced labor or child labor, and contain requirements that are equal or more stringent. A copy of the alternate code must be provided to Cintas for approval.