Emergencies can happen any place, any time. Do your employees know how to respond? This course provides vital instruction on emergency response strategies. Training includes explanation of the four major types of emergencies, implementing an emergency action plan, importance of effective drills, and returning to normal operation.
Training Includes
- Definition of an Emergency
- The Four Major Types of Emergencies
- Components of the Emergency Action Procedure
- Implementing Emergency Response Procedures
- Rescue and Medical Duties
- Returning to Normal Operation
- Low instructor-student ratio to engage students
- On-site scheduling or open enrollment for classes at your local Cintas facility
- Flexible, convenient scheduling to cover multiple shifts
- Standardized classes nationwide for single or multiple facilities
- Over 250 fully interactive courses
- All topics meet OSHA requirements
- Ability to tailor course curriculum to your needs
- Quizzes that must be passed to ensure comprehension
- Comprehensive, easy-to-use recordkeeping system to track your employees’ programs
- Choose online streaming with Video On Demand or a DVD/digital video package
- Programs include training videos and PowerPoint presentations
- Simple, everyday language clarifies how to comply with OSHA standards
- We develop core content that you can then save and customize:
- PowerPoint Presentations
- Quizzes
- Written Programs
- Checklists
- Training Records
Code of Federal Regulation
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.38(f)
Review of emergency action plan: An employer must review the emergency action plan with each employee covered by the plan.